friday is all about the flowers 😊
On todays agenda ... get these babies into soil ... and pot on the cosmos, lobelia and statice if i have any energy left!
edible flowers ... have a couple of nastersiums ready for when i pot on the apple sapling ... and need to move a pretty viola to a better position ( from a lazy seed drop early in the year)
QUESTION... RE DAHLIAS .. could i get away with putting 2 sprouted seeds into each paper cup 'punnet'. Or best just to put one sprouted seed in each. First time growing Dahlias. Not sure how they grow. My ND brain is having a bit of a meltdown having to decide if i can put 2 seeds in each. Was quick and simple using the wee seed punnets the other day but I've run out of those.
I want things as stress free as possible for the next stage which will be putting them out into the garden or at the gate for the koha ''shop'
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