Full stem ahead


Date:12 Oct 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables

The carrots were planted out just before winter. They are finally starting to grow again. Carrot cake with home grown carrots tastes soooooo much more delicious than baked with supermarket carrots! I am loving the progress of my seedlings!! With several trial and error attempts prior I think I have figured out what makes them happy. I have cut back on the watering and placed some shade/wind break on the inside of the tunnel house. I give them a good soak in some liquid seaweed and fish fertiliser before transplanting and then also soak the soil with it as well. So far so good!! Have received the soil results and it's looking rather sad on the macronutrient. Nitrogen and organic matter looks great but my phosphorous and potassium levels are way below. And so are most of the micronutrients. Also the zinc levels are too high, which is definitely not ideal. The raised beds have a good amount of compost on top so that should help dilute the effect of the zinc levels. This may be why my spinach, silverbeet and celery are going yellow and also why my cauliflowers and struggling.  To test that theory I have planted a row of silver beet into a top layer of compost. Once we get some sunshine back I will do the same with the cauliflower and spinach that are almost ready to be planted out. Fingers crossed that they grow nice and healthy otherwise I'm going to have to replace all the soil in the beds which will be a big job. On the bright side the lettuce is still growing fantastically so lots of salads for me 😂 

Full stem ahead