Garden Delivering the Goods


Date:29 Oct 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables

The crops I'm waiting on to finish so I can plant out the summer seedlings in a few weeks are finally starting to become ready to harvest. Four cabbages and also four cauli's were plucked out of the garden this afternoon. Afterwards I dug some compost in where they were to feed the soil.

I am delighted that all four caulis are beautifully perfect, as it can be hit and miss as we all know! The cabbage was so large and heavy I couldn't hold it in one hand and take a photo at the same time.

This is too much for us to eat, plus I have more I'm waiting on so I will put them in my wee shed to sell tomorrow (WILL NOT be selling them for the horrendous prices the supermarket are selling them for!), along with some bags of spinach and spring onions. 

I also went around all my vegetable gardens and pulled out weeds, which I'm finding I'm having to do every (fine) day. It feels like for every weed I pull out, another two grow when I turn my back. In a month or two we will have some peastraw from the people we always get it from, which will help keep the weeds down - can't wait!

Garden Delivering the Goods