Hanging out


Date:24 Oct 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables

Been a while but I'm still here lol just busy studying as had an assignment due and there was a lot of spreadsheets to create and excel is definitely not my strong point. Today I handed it in and got on top of the gardening jobs I had put off. Weeded the tunnel house, planted 6 bloody butcher tomato plants, plenty more to go in but not ready yet. I'm using the hang and drop system this time. It is meant for a wire so wouldn't fit around the framing, but I just made a loose with some old string that I had, to put the hook onto. There is a clip that loosely goes around the base of the tomato and the string clips onto that. You wrap the string around as it grows, removing the lower leaves from under the flowering shoots, remove the laterals after winding as sometimes the main stem can snap off when winding. This way you can use the lateral shoot as your main stem to keep going. I've still yet to mound my potatoes and have 2 more bags to plant out. Tomorrow's job as well as plant out the pumpkin plants.

Hanging out