Happy New Year Yates Fam


Date:31 Dec 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables

My sisters wedding has been and gone, was a beautiful day filled with love and happiness, Christmas was lovely, and now we're in the new year and getting ready to go away on holiday next week!

The garden is well and truly alive and producing well. Can't keep up the the cucumbers, eating plenty of salads and the Courgettes are starting to produce. Even ate the first tomato yesterday, although the rest are still a long way off. But they will come. 

I can't seem to get on top of the aphids in one of the tunnel houses, the other one hasn't been affected which is strange. I'm alternating sprays, but they are still having a feast and the plants are stressed. I'm going to have to re-think next season growing capsicums in there, as I'm not sure it's worth my while as I've spent a lot more money on products then the crop I'm going to have. I wonder how they would go outside, Ev, have you had success down here growing them outside?

I hope you've all had a fantastic holiday period and wish you all the best for 2023!

(I've added more photos of my happy place in the comments).

Happy New Year Yates Fam