I made it to market

Gardener:The flower lady

Date:24 Oct 2022

Blog Type:Flowers

I got some more mulching done , things are taking shape again thank goodness it's amazing how a nice layer makes the plants pop . 

we then moved the cows which involved putting back the pellets across where a gate will eventually go and of course making sure the electric fence was running right . 

Next we moved the sheep to a problem area , best clean up crew around so happy in there work and cheap to water grass and salt licks they are happy as . 

This morning I spent picking and prepping flowers for the growers market , while hubby and Jamison stained and leveled the new raised bed for Kumera and put together another one . 

No planting done this weekend , but that's ok I will get it done over the next couple of weeks , I did move a few things to the shade house to harden them off , and we finally bit the bullet and bought a new oven as currently we only have 1 element that works and only on high , so with abundance on its way that needed to be sorted , sparky is coming tomorrow to hook it up , I feel a huge relief with this I can squirrel things away and create kitchen magic again .

I made it to market