Let's grow rice....

Gardener:Somerset Sue

Date:22 Nov 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

As the bulk of Aotearoa drowns under this deluge of rain and crazy weather, so too do we here on the west coast of the lower north. 

This past weekend was a case of taking both a raincoat and a tube of sunscreen if you were heading out anywhere, the weather extremes were intense.

Today was a stunner... in Whanganui we had sunshine, we had strong norwesters, we had 26 degrees and we had thunder and lightening.

And at 5.30 this evening we had a downpour that left SH declaring we should be growing rice instead of a lawn as it looked like a padi field... even Riley the cat was transfixed by the instant lake that appeared next to our back deck. 

I hope where ever you are that your garden is weathering the storm... at least it's getting watered!

Let's grow rice....