My Patch Is My Happy Place.

Gardener:Brightside Cottage Garden

Date:15 Oct 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables

Welcome to "My Patch" !.

It might not look like much this 4 X 4 patch of pots  but it's a start. 

It is a bit of a lucky dip made up of the "Little Gardener " seeds they give you at the Supermarket, seedlings from the local garden store and a few of my own seeds literally thrown in to boot!.

A bit of a mish - mash of veggies. Swedes, Turnips, Tomatoes, Cabbage ,Onions, Spring Onions, Coriander and Strawberries.  I thought just give it a go!.

I decided to invest in a bag of seeding mix and general potting mix and give the little seeds the best start that  I could. I have been visiting 'My Patch' everyday and keeping all the punnets well misted and moist.

Some of the  seeds I planted in punnets a couple of weeks ago have germinated  and the tiny leaves have popped up to greet me. It is very encouraging. I enjoy tending My Patch everyday just to see what pops up next.

'My Patch' is definitely turning out to be 'My Happy Place'.

My Patch Is My Happy Place.