Just wondering what food crops, companion plants or cut flowers people are planning to sow in the next couple of months ( if anything) and if you are direct sowing or starting in pots?
Also if anyone has a favourite beetroot for eating fresh? I was given some and it was delicious but no idea what variety... I was wondering about the Derwents Globe . I shall have to figure out a structure i can put insect netting over to combat the army worm invasion.
Have a kazillion Dahlia seedlings to pop in somewhere , not quite sure if I can get away with just digging a wee hole with the hand trowel and popping them in like most other seedlings.I cant did deeply like everything i read is telling me to do so I dont know if they will be ok.
Photo is the Faerie Garden up at the cottage which I am about to revamp today. It looked lovely over winter, my Mum sent up some Hyacinth bulbs ... hadn't grown those before but my Grandmother always had them in the house in little bulb growing vases. To my surprise they looked exquisite as a feature in the faerie garden pot ... a definite ' must grow again' plant!
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