New Nashi

Gardener:Somerset Sue

Date:30 Nov 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

I have posted before about our espaliered fruit trees and think I mentioned that we added another member to our "fruit on the fence" family this winter.

The only fruit I really enjoy eating raw is a nashi pear and I was keen to grow our own. I have no idea if they can be espaliered, I couldnt find any information on line but I decided we should give it a go... so in this little baby went.

She's just outside our front door so I get to see her every day and she has been fed and watered and cared for over the past few months since she arrived. Below her I planted some bee attracting flowers as I do with all of our espaliers - for her it is red petunia and blue lobelia.

She seems happy... so much so that in her infancy she has produced four little nashi which I am beyond excited about. Whether they grow to maturity this year - who knows. But she has shown us she is happy with her new home and I am happy about that.

New Nashi