
Date:02 Sep 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables

It’s like the children’s book “where’s wally?” … the hound is such a wally! Although when he got up I noticed that he had put his body in a spot with no seedlings – maybe his brain is a bit bigger than I thought.


Gorgeous day – I am desperate to plant things!

I was lucky enough to win some seed tape packets from Yates last year – I have never tried seed tape before. The long thin bed is just the right length for the tape – so I planted carrot on one side and radish on the other. Soil temp has been wavering between 10 - 12C over the last couple of weeks. Will see what happens.


For the last 3 weeks I have been sneaking just a few asparagus from the bed in the foreground… 

I should be leaving them to go to ferns, as it is only year 2 for these crowns. The fat juicy ones are just too tempting.  Asparagus is my all-time favourite food, and they don’t seem to be in the shops yet…. torture.