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Gardener:Northland Backyard Gardener

Date:29 Oct 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

With a bit of sunshine over the past week, and a slight temperature increase, the garden is starting to come to life. Admittedly,  there is a heavy rain warning for tomorrow.

While both boys were having a relaxed start to the day, I pottered around and did a bit of light weeding in order to stay on top of things. After the hard yards in the school holidays, it was nice to have the job done in under an hour. I also pulled out some items in what was "Our Nature Friendly Garden'. Our frog enclosure came out, and is now repurposed as a grow cage (our current frog is in a big tank instead of this). Looking at the deep planter base that we had in there for the pond, I have decided it would make a fantastic bird bath. Not sure what I will use for the base though. The watering cans and kids' wheelbarrow that were hanging on the fence came down, along with the tyre that was once a clock when Connor had an Alice in Wonderland theme in his garden. The trucks and diggers that were still parked up in a corner have been cleaned up and are ready for my nephew. This area has gone through many changes. The boys still claim it as their own, but it no longer serves as a play area.

After lunch, Connor came out and mulched his corn and sunflowers with straw. Still exhausted from camp, he was quite happy not to have much to do. As it was windy, we did have to give it a quick water to stop it blowing all over the place. 

Once Connor was sorted, my 10 year old joined me. After a chat last night, he decided he wanted to do a few things.  Not normal gardening - he likes to do unusual things. So we have planted some peanuts, and have some ginger sprouting. 

The last time we tried planting peanuts, it didn't go so well. We had even gone to the trouble of purchasing some still in their shells, shelling them, and planting them in the garden. This time - it was straight to the raw ones in the pantry, and into seed-raising trays. My little helper got sidetracked initially and started eating them. I shouldn't be suprised. Here is a useful site for anyone wanting to give them a go.


In regards to the ginger - that is currently sitting on the windowsill. It has a few eyes that look viable, but it will be a case of wait-and-see I think. If we can get this going, tumeric is the next on the list. Will spaces starting to fill up, these new projects, are all destinedd for pots.

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