So many seedling so little time .

Gardener:The flower lady

Date:14 Sep 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

Today I got my stocks and didiscus planted , along with one tray that I had a wee seed spill so that tray got planted in some spaces and I shall see what happens, the seed is way to close together so no good for cut flowers but hopefully some food for the bees , the empty trays are from what's been planted out . 

I also got some daisies in that I took cuttings from 6 ish weeks ago . 
and I potted on some sea Holly and aqulegia . 

so I thought I would share some tips on potting on seedlings . 

1 soak your seedling in a seaweed feed to reduce transplant shock .

2 fill your pots with good potting mixes water well .

3 put small holes in each pot to save time later . 

4 when you prick your seedlings out be careful not to damage roots or squish stems .

5 pot on and water in .

So many seedling so little time .