With the rain, the garden is certainly well watered. The one minute gardener has said to add liquid feed according to the full moon tomorrow, well I have not, and now its raining, so maybe tomorrow.
The beans are starting to form. These are from seeds saved from last year, 3 varieties grown together so not sure what I will get. They look like dark green but the plant and seed looked like it was going to be a purple bean. That is OK, I am after a good growing bean, and having our own fruit salad cross would be cool 😂. I have some that are true to type aswell incase these are not nice. They look like they will be a good cropper though.
Multi sow onions are a little bit behind, but they can keep growing, we pick them as we need them. We are not big on storage, which may be a problem this year as avacados were cheaper than the few onions available.
Lettuce is loving this weather, so is basil.
Jalapeño are not doing well with the rain, or rather too well, depends on your point of view. They are growing too fast with not enough heat and lots of water, they are bordering on sweet and juicy with no heat in them.
Hope the weather is kind to all the gardens!
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