Support the Hanging Peas


Date:27 Sep 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

Today we enjoyed a Spring heat wave of warmth. Gabrielle was desperately eyeing the river and ever hopeful my next reply would be "yes, its labour weekend grab your wetsuit ". Sorry kiddo not quite there yet..

We have lots of potting up to get onto. Sunflowers went in garden opposite side of the climbing beans. Seemed like safe place for them. 

We have our first lot of peas in a hanging basket. They were reaching desperately and beginning to hug each other (not ideal) so that felxi plastic mesh has again been the go to.

We are excited that a home made tunnel house of sorts may be on cards this season..

Loving all the inspiration from the blogs and like everyone we're looking forward to harvesting this & that soon enough 

..happy gardening..

Support the Hanging Peas