The first cucurbits are out – best of luck to these chaps!

Gardener:Ev in the South

Date:13 Nov 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables

Some of my larger pumpkins could wait no longer and I had to plant them out. They were threatening to flower and have really overgrown their pots so, despite it being a bit cold at night (down to 6 degrees yesterday) I had to plant the larger ones out.

My pumpkin selection this year is as follows (total 12 plants):

Marina Di Chioggia (I find it grows well even in cold conditions)

Kamo kamo (hands down most reliable pumpkin in my garden)

Squash Orange Dawn (experimental, but had the best seed strike rate for sure)

Squash Table Queen Bush (an acorn squash, also haven’t tried it before)


Got some cucumbers inside that are reaching over half a meter too, these guys might get planted out this week (under some sort of protective framework I think). Last weekend I’ve also finally planted my dahlias (about a month later than last year, ooops).

What types of pumpkins do you grow? Has anyone tried acorn type squash?

The first cucurbits are out – best of luck to these chaps!