While the weather might not be conjusive to everyone's plans today with winds gusting upto 30 knots at times, I am still grateful for the additional day at home.
Thankfully, the scaffolding is gone (at around 5 o'clock yesterday), and we can now access everything properly, and start to clean things up because everything is looking very dirty and very green in places.
Some of the tasks needing immediate attention is also so other jobs can be started. One of the corner posts on our bbq area is actually rotting at the base due to the amount of water there has been. Currently there is a post running parallel to the ground, and attached to the berry frames by the carport to ensure it doesn't completely come off whilst we await the builder, which had been delayed due to the roofer. The top of the pergola is also starting to go in places too. So since we had some must does to do, we figured we might as well take it one step further and put a small raised deck down the back, and put in a spa/deck (cobblestones are too uneven for this). The builder who is fixing the fence, is meant to be doing this too at some point this summer. Spa won't go in until next year, but we will do prep work this year. It has only taken me 20 years to decide to finally do it.
In order for all those plans to come into fruition, we need to move the planter boxes out of the way into new locations now so that the strawberries actually have a chance to grow. I would have liked to have done it earlier, but with the scaffolding around, it just wasn't possible.
Today we sorted the smaller planter, and possibly our oldest one. I was a little relieved when it actually stayed in one piece. It was built around the time my first ever 2 by 1 meter garden went in. It now houses my mint, peppermint, spearmint and lemon balm. I found that they have gotten too root bound in their pots, and they have also suffered when we have been on holiday.
Over the course of the week, I am hoping to attack the other two beds. With a bit of discussion, we have come to an agreement on where they can go (hubby dreaded having more things to mow around). Once this is done, then it is gardening as normal...well as normal as it gets around here.
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