Tomato Artisan Blush


Date:23 Oct 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables

This is a grape type tomato. Similar size to a cherry, but shaped like a grape or mini roma tomato. This is a yellow with red blush like stripes. This is a rampant grower and has a metal trellis, supported by 2 t posts and 2.4 m height space. 2 plants will full this and give a good harvest from Christmas till mid to end of April. This a a firm favourite and I grow it every year. Tasty, pretty and veritile as it is used in salads, pasta and relish.

If you are after a nice easy growing tomato then this is it. Taming and keep this one to a single leader or a neat bushy plant, then this is not for you😊

Tomato Artisan Blush