The photo at the top was planted in early autumn in an outside garden vs the bottom photo that was planted about 2 months later, in a tunnel house.
I'm starting to wonder if it's worth my while planting brassica outside, as the last few years they have disappointed, with the exception being the sprouting broccoli.
My plan of attack might be to either A. try get them in the ground outside while the soils still warm to give them a head start, and most likely have to fight the white butterfly. Which of course is easier said than done when summer crops are still going.
Or B. Just stick to planting those in the tunnel houses, and put cover crops in the spaces so the soils not bare over winter.
Admittedly the soil in that garden isn't great, and if I was better at my record keeping, I'd be able to refer back and know how they went over winter in other beds!
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