Welcome to the praying mantises

Gardener:The flower lady

Date:04 Dec 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

These little dudes are awesome wee powerhouses in the garden consuming aphids , white fly and other pests with such enjoyment . 

I love watching them grow , the lady bugs are also becoming a force as the nymphs are fast becoming fully grown , yet another reason to create areas to house them though all seasons . 

It was hubbies birthday so as what seems to be a ralatively new tradition I got him a new makita tool to add to the ever growing collection, and I decided I needed the weed whacker attachment for my combi battery tool , the guy at Sthil even said if I wanted to get rid of weeds in stones it's designed not to flick stones up and will handle the job , I am looking forward to playing with that tomorrow. 

Not long now until we will be picking beans and the capsicums already seem so much happier not being swamped by the potatoes . 

3 wee lemon seedlings have popped up and I'm chuffed , they took ages but I'm totally ok with that . 

Being Sunday I was off to market with the first of our Xmas lilies among other things .

Welcome to the praying mantises