Winter Gardening Tips

Winter Gardening Tips

Welcome to winter! Don’t let the cooler weather stop you from getting out in the garden, as there are so many plants to sow, grow and enjoy.


Fabulous Fruit

Tips on how to get the best out of your delicious deciduous Figs, thin skinned ‘Eureka’ Lemons and hybrid Loganberries at your place.

Colour for Your Winter Garden

Brighten up your winter garden with these varieties. Bidens make a great winter colour splash and hardy Alyssum delivers the contrast.

Winter Vegie Guide

Here are some tips on growing cool season vegies, like versatile Carrots, tangy Spinach and succulent Peas in your winter vegie patch.

Hellebores: the Winter Rose

For a fantastic display of Hellebores (Winter Roses) over winter check out our guide to grow and get the best out of these winter favourites.


Got Fruit Trees?

Winter is an important time to care for fruit trees; while the branches are bare it’s your opportunity to tackle lurking diseases and insect pests over-wintering in the bark and crevices of your trees.

Mandarin Madness

Mandarins are a vibrant and welcome sight during the cooler seasons. They’re so handy to pop in a lunchbox or to have as an on-the-go healthy snack.

Strawberry Delight

If you love sweet fresh strawberries or enjoy a strawberry cheesecake, pavlova or trifles, it’s time to grow this delicious fruit at your place.

July Jobs - Things to Take Care Of

Here's the list of garden things you can do, right now. Growth in the garden is slow, but the days are getting longer. There are plenty of jobs to tackle this month, in the countdown to spring.


Citrus 101: Oranges

Follow this link for all you need to know about growing your own crop of juicy oranges at home.

Colourful Flowers to Sow

Want to add more colour to your garden? Bright flowers of Viola, Gerbera, Pansies and Camellia all put on a wonderful show for you and it's time to sow them.


Love the look of a rose bush smothered in showy blooms during the warmer months? Can’t resist inhaling their fragrance? It’s not too late to plant a new one!

Your Late Winter Vegie Patch

Warmer weather isn’t too far away, so it’s time to think about fresh and delicious home-grown ingredients like lettuce, potatoes and tomatoes.