Prtn Succulents Echeveria

Succulents have a pretty impressive resume. They’re hardy, low maintenance and drought tolerant, come in a myriad of beautiful leaf colours, textures and shapes and there are succulents to suit the tiniest pots to the largest gardens.

Agave (Agave attenuata)

Because of its sculptured shape, this popular succulent features prominently in many modern gardens. Its fleshy grey-green leaves are spineless, so the plant doesn’t present any danger to passers-by.


Aloe vera

Grow an aloe vera and you’ll have an on-hand remedy for burns and scalds. Simply snap off a small section and smear the juice over the affected area.

Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’

This plant combines an amazingly tough constitution with soft and pretty autumn flowers. These start off in pink shades but gradually change to coppery tones as the flower ages. It dies down completely in winter.

Jade plant (Crassula sp.)

Jade is said to bring good fortune. Grow it near the front door and good luck will follow you inside. Jade plants will grow in sun or full shade but must have good drainage and a frost-free position.


While winter/spring-flowering Kalanchoe blossfeldiana will grow and bloom outdoors in frost free climates, it also makes a successful indoor plant.


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