We admit, reading a 'how-to' label doesn’t sound like the most exciting thing you could be doing on a Saturday afternoon. However, we see a few home gardeners getting into a stressful situation after using a pesticide product incorrectly, because they skipped reading the label.

When that happens with edible plants, it doesn't matter whether it's a delicious tomato with a bumper crop on the way, or a family heirloom lemon tree that's been a steady performer for generations, the response is always an unhappy one when we advise that the plant can't be considered safe for consumption. Our products for edibles are authorised under the ACVM Act Act 1997, and defining maximum residue levels of garden chemicals in home-grown food is a really important part of the authorisation process. We make certain any residues from our products in food are well within safe levels, so we can't give advice that could cause dietary exposure risk to gardeners, or their families.

Getting an application wrong is a heartbreaking situation that we don’t want to see if we can help it. We’ve put together a quick go-to guide on how to read a pesticide label in New Zealand, so that gardeners of all experience levels find everything they need to from our label directions – and get it right, first time!

This advice is appropriate for other registered garden products as well, like fungicides, miticides and even herbicides.

Read it all…

The first step when considering using a pesticide product for the first time is to read the entire label in full. This will give you an overview of how the product can be used, but also of any particular warnings and cautions that should be observed – note these as a priority.

We're Here to Help!

Don’t forget, if these directions don’t seem to apply to your situation, or perhaps you are still trying to diagnose what exactly is going on in your particular case – we're available to answer your questions and help steer you in the right direction. There are few things we enjoy more than cracking a tough case, but most importantly we want all gardeners to be using our products in a safe and sustainable way.

When it comes to plant protection: if in doubt, give us a shout!

Quick FAQs About Using Chemicals

Can I Mix Gardening Chemicals Together?

If it isn't specifically stated on the label that you can, don't mix chemicals together.

What's the Shelf-Life of Your Products?

Most (but not all) of our products will last indefinitely if stored correctly in a cool and dark place. Product effectiveness will slowly and slightly reduce after the 5 year mark.

All Yates products should have a batch number and date of manufacture (DOM) printed onto the bottle or bag, with black ink. You can check for this to find out the age of any products you have stored.

How Long Can I Store a Mixed Solution?

Most (but not all) concentrated products that have been mixed with water in a sprayer can last up to 24 hours. To avoid having any leftover solution (i.e., concentrate + water), it is best only to mix as much as you need and apply the entire contents of the sprayer at one time. If you run out of solution while spraying, mix more and then apply. It is much easier and safer to mix up some more than it is to dispose of unwanted solution.

How Soon After Spraying One Product Can I Spray Another?

This really depends on the product and how the actives ingredients interact. Refer to the 'How to Use' table for specific timings.

Common examples:

If you need to apply more than one product to a plant, please Contact Us and we'll be happy to talk you through it.

How Soon After Spraying Can I Eat My Produce?

All Yates products that are authorised for edibles will state a Withholding Period on the label. This is very important safety information: always wait the required number of days after spraying, before you harvest your fruit or vegetables.

Understanding the ‘How to Use’ Table:

And now for the tricky bit. The entire product label, front and back (where applicable), in some ways is a legal document, that spells out the specific situations where the product can be applied.

Note that the 'how to use' table doesn't specify any particular situations where the product can't be used. So as a rule, if your intended use isn't covered within a specified use on the table: your intended use is not approved for the product in question. Please don’t use the product in this case.

Step 1: Finding your Plant

In the first column, check to see if your plant is listed. If none of the plants/plant groups listed include your own, please don’t use the product. Get in touch with us, as we may be able to suggest a suitable alternative for your application.

Step 2: Finding your Pest

In the second column, check to see if your targeted pest is listed. If none of the pests/pest groups listed include your own, please don’t use the product. We may be able to suggest a suitable alternative for your application.

Step 3: Mixing and Application Rates

This column is included on concentrate products that require preparation or mixing before spraying. Here you can find the correct dilution and application rate details (for example, the exact amount to be applied per square metre of lawn).

Step 4: How to Apply

In the final column, you should see concise directions for how and when to apply. These details are critical for safe, effective and environmentally sustainable use of the product. If you're unable to apply the product in line with these directions, please don’t use the product. Again, we may be able to suggest a suitable alternative for your application.

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