Hello Lovely Gardeners
Can you believe we only have a month left, well that isn’t strictly true because this year for the first time the community is staying open so you can keep in touch with each other and keep sharing all your fabulous gardening goings on. But on the 13th December the challenge part of it will come to an end… of sorts…
Speaking of coming to an end the latest 5 Top Tips Mini Challenge has come to an end and I get to announce the winners. You guys certainly make it hard and after some tough decision making the winners are:
· Stacey170
· Briars Patch
· Southern Gardener
And as always – the end of one challenge means the start of another and this time we have a cooking one! We are looking for your favourite vegetable-based recipes and I have to say I am really looking forward to this one because it is always great to get new ideas! You can enter this one as many times as you like because you can never have too many good recipes for fresh produce. It runs from today until the end of the challenge on the 13th December. You can find out more > HERE <. Good luck.
I have a great radish relish recipe if anyone needs one…
And while we are looking at starts and ends, I encourage you to go back and have a look at your first few blog posts, to see how far you have all come. I did a bit of poking around looking at them the other day and it seems forever ago that it was cold, gardens were empty, and the seed trays only held seeds, hope and promise!
In my garden I have a sense of calm and peace – I am in that sweet spot that is the lull between planting and the start of the harvest, and it feels great. Even so much so that I’m not afraid to write a list of all the things that need to be done, that I want to do and even a few things that would be nice in an ideal world! Some are quick tasks that will take a few moments and others might be a few weeks – if not months, but if I keep crossing things off with the same momentum I had getting the last of the garden planted then I will be pleased with myself. It would be easy to sit back now and do the bare minimum for a while, but that could easily throw me back into frenzied panic when I’m up to my eyeballs in tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers – all demanding I do something with them!
You’ve probably already discovered this for yourselves, but gardening really is good for you. Check out why and how > HERE <
Happy Gardening.
Sarah the Gardener : o)
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