Weeping figs (Ficus benjamina) are lush tropical looking rainforest trees that make great indoor plants. They like a warm, brightly lit spot away from direct sunlight and love humidity. Weeping figs also prefer to be kept in the one position and can be stressed if moved around the house. They are great air quality improvers too, helping to remove indoor air pollutants like formaldehyde.

How to grow weeping figs in a pot

  1. Choose a pot at least 300mm wide and deep. Position indoors in a warm, brightly lit spot away from direct sunlight.
  2. Fill chosen pot with quality potting mix, such as Yates Thrive Indoor Plants Potting Mix.
  3. Plant into pot and water in well. Apply Yates Thrive Indoor Liquid Plant Food every fortnight from spring to autumn to promote healthy plants with glossy foliage.
  4. Do not overwater. Feel the potting mix, if it feels dry then re-water, if it feels moist then leave watering for another few days.
  5. Re-potting should only be carried out once the plant has become root bound and growth has slowed significantly. Re-potting can stress the plant and cause leaves to drop.


Growing tips

  • Dust the leaves regularly by gently brushing them with a feather duster. Dust can clog up the pores of the leaves and make it difficult for the leaves to function.
  • Trim off any brown or dead foliage.
  • Weeping fig sap can cause skin and eye irritation and is toxic if ingested. Keep plants out of reach from children and animals.
  • Weeping figs come in a range of types, including dwarf varieties and variegated foliage. They’re also perfect for training into standards or bonsai and can also have their stems braided, too.

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