What is a Broadleaf / Flat weed

Marshmallow, dandelion, cat’s ear, lamb’s tongue, chickweed, plantain, fleabane and dock are some of the common broadleaf weeds found in lawns and home gardens. Broadleaf weeds usually have wide leaves that often hug the ground. Active growth varies between summer and winter weeds, and weeds which are perennials (weeds that don’t die after one growing season) and become dormant at certain times of the year. Examples of winter perennials are white clover and dandelion and examples of summer perennials are curly dock and plantain. 


How to protect your lawn

The best time to control winter broadleaf weeds is in autumn and for summer broadleaf weeds is in spring. It is important to note that it is easier to control small, actively growing weeds than mature weeds that are starting to produce seed.

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Onehunga (Prickle) Weed

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Oxalis and Creeping Oxalis have heart-shaped leaves in clusters of three with yellow, pink or white flowers. A bothersome weed in the lawn and garden.


A perennial weed which has leaves with three leaflets, and creeping stems that set roots wherever they touch the ground.


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