Yates Microgreens are the quick and easy way to add the freshest taste sensation and gourmet touch to your culinary creations! Great in salads, as garnishes, in stir fries and as healthy additions to any meal. They’re usually grown in shallow pots or seedling trays, but they can be grown in the garden, too - it only takes 2-3 weeks to harvest.

How to grow in a garden

  1. Choose a spot in your garden that sits in full sun, spread Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix over a 10cm diameter area and lightly compact. 
  2. Sprinkle half the packet of seeds over the area and cover with a thin layer of seed mix. Moisten using a mist spray bottle.  Keep soil evenly moist while the seeds are growing.  
  3. Once seedlings emerge, feed weekly with half strength Yates Thrive Natural Fish Seaweed+ Plant Food Concentrate.  
  4. Snip microgreens above the soil line once they are 3-5cm tall.


How to grow in a pot

  1. Choose a pot at least 100mm wide. Position in full sun in the garden or on a warm windowsill, out of direct sunlight.  
  2. Fill the pot with Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix. Sprinkle half the packet of seeds over a 10cm diameter area and lightly cover with a thin layer of seed mix. Moisten using a mist spray bottle. Keep soil evenly moist while the seeds are growing.  
  3. Once seedlings emerge, feed weekly with half strength Yates Thrive Natural Fish Seaweed+ Plant Food Concentrate.
  4. Snip microgreens above the soil line once they are 3-5cm tall.

Yates varieties

Growing tips

  • Pack contains enough seed to sow 2 × 10cm diameter pots.

  • Sow successive pots for constant supply. 


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Recommended products

Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix

Specially formulated for trouble-free seed raising in trays (or outdoor seed sowing direclty into the ground) and propagation of cuttings.